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PE – Basketball

In basketball we practiced our dribbling, shooting, passing and defending skills. We enjoyed playing basketball with our peers. We also practiced our team work skills and worked on our Blackrod Value 'determination'. 

PE – Wall and Ball

In KS2 we practiced our skills around sending a ball towards a target area that our opponent was defending. The aim of this skill was to cause the object to land in the target area. We practiced our team work skills and providing support and positive feedback to our peers.

Striking and Fielding

In PE, we have been working hard on our football and striking and fielding skills.  In football we have practised our passing, dribbling and tackling whilst involving ourselves in games, ensuring we are communicating effectively. During striking and fielding we have practised underarm and overarm throwing and striking a ball. We have loved our PE sessions this half term.

Gymnastics and Invasion Games 

In PE this half term, we have been developing our Gymnastics skills and using our understanding of passing and defending to develop our Netball skills.