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Year 3 Mathematics

Multiplication and Division

In Maths, Year 3 has been learning about Multiplication and Division. We will be using our times tables knowledge to help us with a variety of multiplication and division problems. Recently, we have been multiplying and dividing 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers, including some with/without exchanging, and with remainders.

Place Value

In Year 3, the children developed their Place Value knowledge by learning the value of each digit on on numbers up to three digits long. This is a key still that our children will use throughout the year in all Maths topics. We compared and ordered numbers up to 1000, as well as reading and writing them. The children identified and represented numbers in a variety of ways and solved number problems.

Year 4 Mathematics

Place Value

In this maths project, the children retrieved and developed their place value knowledge to sequence numbers, complete comparisons and explain how the values of digits change dependant on their place in a number.

Addition and subtraction

In this maths project, the children used their addition and subtraction skills to develop their understanding, investigate different strategies and apply these to completing column addition and subtraction with and without exchanges.


In this maths project, the children used their knowledge of 2D shapes to explore and understand how area is calculated and measured.

Multiplication and division A

In this maths project, the children developed their times table knowledge through targeted lessons to strengthen their number fluency, recall and to develop strategies to aid these skills.

Multiplication and division B

In this maths project, the children built on their previous project to develop the skills needed to apply their times table knowledge to complete expanded column multiplications.