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Crest Designers

Competition winners!

Congratulations to our design winners -  Paige, Isla, Eve, Eleanor and Leilani. Their wonderful designs (see picture below) will soon be displayed in our school hall. Watch this space!

Design Competition

We have an exciting opportunity for our children to take part in a competition to design a crest for their school team.

Our teams at Blackrod are named after places in our school’s local area. They are Rivington, Yarrow, Anglezarke and Douglas.

The winning crest will be printed on the team banners which will hang in the school hall throughout the year and will be used at sports day.

The winners will also be celebrated in assembly, on the newsletter and have the option to stay in the same team for their duration at Blackrod.

For the design, any media can be used e.g. oil pastels, paint, colouring pencils, crayons, chalk, collage, textiles or digital.

We would like the designs for each team to represent the location. Here are some ideas:

  • Rivington – Pike, castle
  • Yarrow – River, reservoir
  • Anglezarke – Waterfall, reservoir
  • Douglas – River

The children will receive a black and white template to complete and the winning designs will be added to the coloured crest. The design will be added to the two blank sections of the crest. Templates will be available from class teachers.

The closing date for the competition is 18th April 2023. There will be one winner from each team. The winner will be chosen by the Governors and the Year 6 team captains.