What do Christians believe God is like?
We Identified what a parable is and re-told the story of the Lost Son from the Bible which teaches Christians forgiveness.
The children looked at ways in which Christians show their beliefs in God as a loving and forgiving father.
We explored how Christians put their beliefs into practice in worship (saying sorry and asking for forgiveness) and learnt about the four main types of payer Christians talk about: praise, saying ‘sorry’, saying ‘thank you’ and asking for something.
Creators and their Creations
We looked at creators and their creations. We discussed what we think creators of natural beauty would look like and why. Then we had a class discussion about who created the world, listening and respecting other opinions
The children created their own creation story posters and recalled the story in the correct order.
We learned that ‘Creation’ is the beginning of the ‘big story’ of the bible.
The children were able to recite the story and create their own individual storybook and discussed what the story tells Christians about god.
We have also looked at how Christians give thanks to god. The main festivals and celebrations of the Christian religion. We then created a class ‘Thank You’ tree.